Present Sannyasa Candidates

Present Candidates List

I was born in December, 1971, in Magadan-town, which is situated in Northern East of Russia. My parents were not believers, and I also had never thought about a matter of existence deep, though I was always fond of reading. Once, at the magazine called “Science and religion” I met the discussion of some priest, who was trying to approve an existence of God to some famous fantast-writer, who had been denying that fact. So their discussion had been going on in the same way from one magazine publication to next one, from number to number. And I remember I feel upset over the feebleness of that priest under arguments of the atheist. Later, I tried to learn the Bible, but had understood nothing and never tried again. Then, one day, going from school back to home, I distinctly heard a voice talking to me: “Wait, you’re going to get some interesting thing in your life”. For the first time I saw devotees at the lecture of Vrajendra Kumar Prabhu in university I studied in 1992. I was so impressed by the lecture, but had not realized Hare Krishna singing. Then I bought the BG and Krishna Book. When I was reading the BG, I felt, that I had already a deal with it, but didn’t understand where and when. Also, I felt bliss. Regularly visiting the local temple based on a usual flat, I started feel a strong bent for this philosophy and the special way of life. Book distribution was a basic service at that time, and I got involved in it immediately and certainly I liked street Harinamas. I joined the temple in 1994 and got the first initiation from His Grace Prabhavisnu Prabhu in that year. In 1996 I was asked to become TP, and Brahmacharies of our temple united the temple of Khabarovsk city, New Shantipur in 1997. As I was a poor manager in 1998 I was removed from the post of TP on my own will and I joined New Jagannatha Puri temple in Vladivostok city, where I continued to distribute books in the main. In the same year I got the second initiation. In 2008 I became a leader of a travelling sankirtana group. Then in 2015 I was asked to be the region secretary of Khabarovsk city and Republic of Yakutia. Now I am based in Khabarovsk, continue distributing books and preaching at the Nama-Hattas of Russian Far East. Besides, I tried to help to the preaching in Southern Korea, along and with sankirtana group. This year National Council of Russia suggested that I could become a candidate for the acceptance of sannyasa. And I feel and see that the service in this ashram can help me to get more serious eхperiense in my making attempts to serve to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

my schooling with science subjects from a Government aided school and i did my engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences , Pilani, one of the premium institutes of learning in India. After joining college , I slowed down in my spiritual practices of reciting the Bhagavad Gita. Later on while working with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, I got my posting in the Mathura refinery.

I got married in February 1994, begot a daughter in May 1995 and got separated from my family in March 1996.

After that in April 1996, while working at Mathura, I visited ISKCON Vrindavan, fortunately in the centennial year of Srila Prabhupada’s appearance. There I was made to chant one round of the Mahamantra , on the first floor of Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi. That was the turning point or defining moment in my life and I started visiting Vrindavan regularly and started taking part in kirtans and reading Srila Prabhupada’s small books.

Then in Jan 1997, I was transferred to Bharat Petroleum Delhi’s regional office, at Noida. I searched for the ISKCON temple in Delhi and got to know about the Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi temple at East of Kailash, which was under construction at that time. On the Janmashtami day of 1997 I visited the EOK temple, and was introduced to the ISKCON YOUTH FORUM. I started attending IYF classes, the seven session course of Bhagavad Gita and gradually started chanting 16 rounds of the Mahamantra and following the 4 regulative principles.

I also started assisting ISKCON Delhi, in the areas of IYF preaching, book distribution services, fundraising etc. I received my first initiation on 1st Feb, 2001, the appearance day of Srila Advaita Acaraya, from His Holiness Gopal KrsnaGoswami Maharaja in the Sri Radha Parthasarathi temple, EOK, Delhi. He inspired me to start youth- preaching in another small temple in Delhi which was located at West Punjabi Bagh, which was near my residence as well. With his inspiration I started youth preaching in the Sri Sri Radha Radhika Raman Temple Punjabi Bagh from the year 2002 and at the same time I was assisting in youth preaching at the EOK temple.

I got my second initiation on 5th Sept. 2004, a day before Janmashtami in Delhi. And in the Kartik of 2004, I shifted in as a full time resident devotee in the Punjabi Bagh temple, with long holidays from my office. I resigned finally from my job in June 2005 and was appointed to serve as the Co-President in Sri Sri Radha Radhika Raman temple, Punjabi Bagh. Under the guidance of my spiritual master I structured and mentored both the youth and congregation preaching in Punjabi Bagh temple along with a team of truly capable devotees. We started collegepreaching in various premier engineering colleges and subsequently, several academically and professionally qualified people joined the brahmacari ashram. Gradually by the mercy of Guru and Gauranga both youth and congregation preaching flourished. With the preaching expanding at a fast pace , we could also spare our full time brahmcaris to lead in the upcoming new temple projects at Rohini ( North west Delhi ) and Bahadurgarh ( Delhi – Haryana border). Book distribution flourished as well. Almost every year in the December Marathon, our temple distributed about 2,50, 000 copies of the Bhagavad Gita.

My core services were to supervise the youth and congregation preaching, to set up systems and nurture the Brahmacari ashram, keeping them inspired and gainfully engaged and utilise my learnings from the corporate world and the training received from the East of Kailash Temple, to oversee and facilitate all Temple management services including Talent Management, Deity worship standards, Brahmachari Ashram standards, Sankirtan, Finance etc. Until recently, I was based at the Punjabi Bagh temple, serving as the Co-President. Currently, I serve as the Zonal Supervisor designate for Punjab and Haryana, having been sanctioned by the Divisional Council; awaiting sanction from the ISKCON Bureau. Apart from the Punjabi Bagh temple I am supervising and providing all kinds of support in the running of the Rohini and Bahadurgarh temples. I have also started travelling to various temples of North India-Chandigarh, Yamunanagar, Ludhiana etc assisting my Guru maharaja and the GBC Zonal Secretary HH Gopal Krsna Goswami Maharaja in his services. I am also a facilitator for Bhakti Shastri, Bhakti Vaibhava and ISKCON Disciple courses and visit various temples for teaching assignments.

I particularly relish the service of studying and teaching from Srila Prabhupada’s books as I think it gives me the utmost absorption amongst all the services that I have been fortunate to render so far. It also is in sync with the most natural engagement for Brahmacharis and eventually Sannyasis- Swadhyaya and preaching. I am immensely inspired by the personal example of my spiritual master to pursue the path of renunciation. His selflessness and uncompromising dedicationto the mission of Srila Prabhupada besides the anxiety to please Srila Prabhupada in every possible manner, inspired me to seek the sanction of spiritual authorities for pursuing the Sannyasa ashram as one of the crucial means to accelerate my spiritual growth. If found qualified, Krishna willing, it will be a natural progression expected for a Sadhaka like me to take up the path pursued by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura, Srila Prabhupada and my spiritual master HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja.

I sincerely think that the Sannyasa ashrama will significantly facilitate my services of travelling and preaching that I have already been pursuing in North India. I have also noticed in the case of several senior devotees and have the firm faith that it will bestow a greater sense of responsibility in me, a greater sense of purpose in undertaking services in more areas of Krishna Consciousness- geographically and in terms of a broader variety. Therefore I am confident that by the mercy of the Guru Parampara, I will be further inspired to fully dedicate the remaining years of my life in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

I was born  in Lalgarh Feb 19,1969 ,District – Midnapur ,West Bengal, India. My father's Name is Late. Khagendra Nath Sahu. He was a Government Service holder & My Mother's Name is Late – Yajnada Sahu . She was a house wife. I got Spritual Inspiration from my parents in my Childhood. After completing my graduation. I got a job in revenue department of Govt. of West Bengal. After working there for 3 years. I joined ISKCON in Mayapur in 1993. I got Srila Prabhupada book from travelling sankirtan devoteeswhen they came for book distribution in my home town. After that i got association with group of sankirtan devotees those, who came in home town for five days & that time I really enjoyed their divine association and they preach me to come to ISKCON Mayapur. After that I came 3 times in Sridham Mayapur for Visit and during this time I read Srila Prabhupada books. After one year from my last visit Sridham Maya pur I Joined full as a time devotee.

After the completion the new devotee training program. I was given the service of maintaining accounts in Sankirtan Department. Then having served here for an year I was given the service of Book Distribution in travelling sankirtan party as a book distributor. My first preaching trip which was lasted around 45 days after that, I was made group leader of one of the sankirtan group. I served in this position  from 1994 to 2000.

I got first and Second Initiation in 1999 in Sridham Mayapur from His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. In 2000 I was made incharge of all the sankirtan groups in Mayapur which then consisted of 10 Sankirtan buses. I served in this position upto 2007. During this time I had completed my bhakti shastri course and in year 2004. I completed TTC -1, TTC-2 and BSTTC. From 2004  to 2007, I taught Bhakti Shastri course in Sridham Mayapur & Bangladesh while at the same time continuing  my service as a travelling sankirtan leader.

In 2007 I came to Jaipur, Rajasthan  and started serving as a congregational preacher and Head Pujari . In 2009 I went to Pune for youth preaching training course. After completing this course I started organizing youth preaching program in Jaipur. Presently I am serving as Vice – President in ISKCON Jaipur and Pujari Departemnt Head. Under ISKCON Jaipur we have 3 Extension preaching centers which are located in Chomu , Sikar , Srimadhopur . I have been given the service of directing and guiding  there activities . In 2011 we started Jaipur Institute of Higher Education (JIHE) here with the permission of ISKCON Board of Examination & I have been teaching Bhakti Shastri Course here since then.

I understand that Sannyasa Ashram brings a great responsibility. I am willing to humbly take of this responsibility to carry out the orders of my beloved Guru Maharaj and other senior Vaishnav authorities & to assist Srila Prabhupada in his preaching mission in my humble capacity.   


His Divine Grace

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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